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 Registered and trusted by the NPI which is "The National Provider Identifier". (NPI) is the standard unique health identifier for health care providers like Integrity Care 360 which has adopted the Secretary of Health and Human Services in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Our NPI number is 1588213672, feel free to research us.



Introducing  a fresh approach to geriatric and convalescent care! 

 Providing exceptional in home non-medical services for a variety of clients across Hartford County.

We are a family owned and operated company, with many of our employees having elderly family members just like yours. 

 Our  management team consists of Registered Nurses, Practical Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants with over 75 years of combined experience in health-care - this ensures that our high standard of service is maintained.  Although we only provide non-medical services,those we assign to serve you are better equipped to efficiently recognize and report changes in health or behavior.


As a potential client, you will be assigned your own case manager who will work jointly with you to assess, plan and facilitate care coordination. He or she will evaluate clients condition, recommend options and assign Aide(s) who are most suited. Case managers also identify resources, programs and benefits which are available to you.

We perform extensive screenings, background checks and employ other verification measures. We also perform random visits to observe Aides after they have been assign to clients. 

Click to learn about rewards for our clients
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